Aimed at the didactic applications of translation, also in its quality of fifth skill in the learning of a second language, this volume on specialised translation was conceived for the new university degrees in “Artistic markets”. The volume presents ten thematic units, each organized around a specific topic (painting, music, theatre, etc.) and developed as a proposal for a model for a didactic unit of language and translation, direct as well as reverse. Each unit presents a wide section on specialised terminology and a linguistic examination of the specific difficulties for Italian speakers, as well as a proposal of texts for future use in the classroom. The work is completed by a collection of grammar tables aimed at consolidating the linguistic skills of the students. The work’s final aim is that of orienting students towards a translation which respects the quality criteria: accuracy, usability and adequacy. The attempt is to activate translation and specialised skills in the students, as well as a certain competence in the target language (Spanish) by providing examples of the specific text types in the field of arts and composition models in the target language, keeping in mind the function of translation as cultural mediation.
Rivolto alle applicazioni didattiche della traduzione, anche quale quinta abilità nell’apprendimento di una seconda lingua, il volume, sulla traduzione specialistica, è stato pensato per i nuovi indirizzi universitari di “Mercati dell’arte”. Il volume presenta dieci unità tematiche, ognuna organizzata su un argomento specifico (pittura, musica, teatro, etc.) e sviluppata nella proposta di un modello di unità didattica di lingua e traduzione, diretta e inversa. Ogni unità presenta un’ampia sezione di lessico specialistico e una di approfondimento linguistico sulle difficoltà specifiche per italofoni, e una proposta di testi per un futuro utilizzo in aula. Conclude il lavoro una raccolta di schede di grammatica volte a consolidare la competenza linguistica degli studenti. Il lavoro si pone come obiettivo ultimo quello di indirizzare gli studenti verso una traduzione che rispetti i criteri di qualità: accuratezza, fruibilità e adeguatezza, attivando nei discenti competenza traduttiva e specialistica così come competenza nella lingua di arrivo (spagnolo), fornendo esempi della tipologia testuale specifica del settore artistico e modelli redazionali nella lingua di arrivo, tenendo conto della funzione della traduzione in quanto mediazione culturale.
La traducción especializada. Arte y traducción
Odicino, Raffaella;
Aimed at the didactic applications of translation, also in its quality of fifth skill in the learning of a second language, this volume on specialised translation was conceived for the new university degrees in “Artistic markets”. The volume presents ten thematic units, each organized around a specific topic (painting, music, theatre, etc.) and developed as a proposal for a model for a didactic unit of language and translation, direct as well as reverse. Each unit presents a wide section on specialised terminology and a linguistic examination of the specific difficulties for Italian speakers, as well as a proposal of texts for future use in the classroom. The work is completed by a collection of grammar tables aimed at consolidating the linguistic skills of the students. The work’s final aim is that of orienting students towards a translation which respects the quality criteria: accuracy, usability and adequacy. The attempt is to activate translation and specialised skills in the students, as well as a certain competence in the target language (Spanish) by providing examples of the specific text types in the field of arts and composition models in the target language, keeping in mind the function of translation as cultural mediation.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.