The short stories of Silvina Ocampo are organized around the refusal of one single reality. The work of the Argentine author opposes certainties, in a game of an apparently obstinate assertion of the rules of living together. In a game of juxtapositions and subreptitious inversions, each confirmation of the norm and of normality is countered by a greater corruption of reality and of those same laws which seem to support the narrated worlds. Language proposes itself as a space for experimentation in which verbal tics, metaphors of use, and the most remote lexical acceptations, become uncontrollable furies, uncontainable abysses of perception into which the “innocence” of the hierarchically weak characters plunges: the children, the women, the sick, the idiots. These “things” degraded by a lost or negated functionality make up scenes of desolation in which the subjects of Ocampo’s fiction move with difficulty. In the decades of her literary production, Silvina Ocampo’s stories seem to trace an inexorable, obstructed, fragmentary and fragmented trajectory towards the recognition and possession of a subjectivity which does not precede the texts, but rather originates in them.
I racconti di Silvina Ocampo si compongono nel rifiuto di una realtà unica. L’opera dell’autrice argentina si oppone alle certezze, in un gioco di apparente ostinata affermazione delle regole della convivenza. In un gioco di contrapposizioni e inversioni surrettizie, ad ogni conferma della norma e della normalità corrisponde una maggiore corruzione della realtà e di quelle stesse leggi che sembrano sostenere i mondi narrati. La lingua si propone come un campo di sperimentazione in cui i tic verbali, le metafore d’uso, le più remote accezioni lessicali si trasformano in furie incontrollabili, incontenibili abissi della percezione in cui precipita l’”innocenza” delle figure gerarchicamente deboli: i bambini, le donne, i malati, gli idioti. Le cose, degradate da una funzionalità perduta o negata, compongono scenari di desolazione in cui i soggetti della narrativa ocampiana si muovono con difficoltà. I racconti di Silvina Ocampo sembrano compiere, nel corso delle lunghe decadi della sua produzione, un inesorabile, ostacolato, frammentario e frammentato percorso verso il riconoscimento e il possesso di una soggettività che non precede i testi, ma da essi emana.
La scrittura della trasgressione nei racconti di Silvina Ocampo
The short stories of Silvina Ocampo are organized around the refusal of one single reality. The work of the Argentine author opposes certainties, in a game of an apparently obstinate assertion of the rules of living together. In a game of juxtapositions and subreptitious inversions, each confirmation of the norm and of normality is countered by a greater corruption of reality and of those same laws which seem to support the narrated worlds. Language proposes itself as a space for experimentation in which verbal tics, metaphors of use, and the most remote lexical acceptations, become uncontrollable furies, uncontainable abysses of perception into which the “innocence” of the hierarchically weak characters plunges: the children, the women, the sick, the idiots. These “things” degraded by a lost or negated functionality make up scenes of desolation in which the subjects of Ocampo’s fiction move with difficulty. In the decades of her literary production, Silvina Ocampo’s stories seem to trace an inexorable, obstructed, fragmentary and fragmented trajectory towards the recognition and possession of a subjectivity which does not precede the texts, but rather originates in them.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.