The paper aims to present the results of analyses conducted on a corpus of conversations in Italian learned in Estonia as a foreign language (LS) by speakers with Russian (ethnic code of the most important local linguistic minority) and/or Estonian (national idiom) as their mother tongue(s). Prepared at Tallinn University as part of an experimental research project, the corpus consists of the multi-voice conversations recorded within focus groups conducted by a native Italian-speaking trainee with the aim of soliciting dialogical uses of Italian - studied by participants at the university level as part of A2 and B1 level courses - outside the contexts of formal learning. The flexibility of the focus group structure made it possible to collect samples of spontaneous speech in an ecological context: the free rota and the absence of formal assessment by the moderator, in fact, allowed participants to interact according to a collaborative model of peer exchange, thus through interventions similar to those in real-life contexts. Moreover, the corpus is characterized by its multilingualism: exchanges conducted in Italian are flanked, in fact, not only by occasional inserts in the two different mother tongues of the learners, but also in English, a code widely used in Estonia as a lingua franca and vehicular language. The contribution focuses on the dynamics of this alternation, analyzing the specific modalities and circumstances that characterize the phenomena of requesting clarification, aimed at preserving dialogical effectiveness through the use of all available resources within the linguistic repertoire shared by the group. Within this framework, particular attention is paid to the spaces and roles assumed by Russian, a code known as LM or as LS to all speakers of the experimental group and this despite - as we propose to point out - reserved for much more delimited and restricted conversational functions, circumstances and roles than those of the other available languages.
Il contributo intende presentare i risultati delle analisi condotte su un corpus di conversazioni in italiano, appreso in Estonia come lingua straniera (LS) da parte di parlanti con il russo (codice etnico della più importante minoranza linguistica locale) e/o con l’estone (idioma nazionale) come lingua/e materna/e. Predisposto presso l’Università di Tallinn nell’ambito di un percorso di ricerca sperimentale, il corpus è composto dalle conversazioni a più voci registrate all’interno di focus group condotti da una tirocinante italofona nativa con lo scopo di sollecitare gli usi dialogici dell’italiano – studiato dai partecipanti a livello universitario nell’ambito di corsi di livello A2 e B1 - al di fuori dei contesti dell’apprendimento formale. La flessibilità della struttura dei focus group ha consentito di raccogliere campioni di parlato spontaneo in contesto ecologico: la turnazione libera e l’assenza di valutazione formale da parte della moderatrice hanno, infatti, consentito ai partecipanti di interagire secondo un modello collaborativo di scambio tra pari, quindi attraverso interventi assimilabili a quelli dei contesti di vita reale. Il corpus si caratterizza, inoltre, per il suo plurilinguismo: agli scambi condotti in italiano si affiancano, infatti, non soltanto occasionali inserti nelle due differenti lingue materne degli apprendenti, ma anche in inglese, codice diffusamente impiegato in Estonia come lingua franca e veicolare. Il contributo si concentra sulle dinamiche di tale alternanza, analizzando le specifiche modalità e circostanze che caratterizzano i fenomeni di richiesta di chiarimento, finalizzati a preservare l’efficacia dialogica attraverso il ricorso a tutte le risorse disponibili all’interno del repertorio linguistico condiviso dal gruppo. In questo quadro, particolare attenzione è dedicata agli spazi e ai ruoli assunti dal russo, codice noto come LM o come LS a tutti i parlanti del gruppo sperimentale e ciò malgrado – come ci si propone di evidenziare – riservato a funzioni, circostanze e ruoli conversazionali molto più delimitati e ristretti di quelli delle altre lingue disponibili.
Conversazioni in italiano LS fra apprendenti russofoni ed estonofoni: strategie dialogiche plurilingui in un corpus da focus group.
Luisa Revelli
In corso di stampa
The paper aims to present the results of analyses conducted on a corpus of conversations in Italian learned in Estonia as a foreign language (LS) by speakers with Russian (ethnic code of the most important local linguistic minority) and/or Estonian (national idiom) as their mother tongue(s). Prepared at Tallinn University as part of an experimental research project, the corpus consists of the multi-voice conversations recorded within focus groups conducted by a native Italian-speaking trainee with the aim of soliciting dialogical uses of Italian - studied by participants at the university level as part of A2 and B1 level courses - outside the contexts of formal learning. The flexibility of the focus group structure made it possible to collect samples of spontaneous speech in an ecological context: the free rota and the absence of formal assessment by the moderator, in fact, allowed participants to interact according to a collaborative model of peer exchange, thus through interventions similar to those in real-life contexts. Moreover, the corpus is characterized by its multilingualism: exchanges conducted in Italian are flanked, in fact, not only by occasional inserts in the two different mother tongues of the learners, but also in English, a code widely used in Estonia as a lingua franca and vehicular language. The contribution focuses on the dynamics of this alternation, analyzing the specific modalities and circumstances that characterize the phenomena of requesting clarification, aimed at preserving dialogical effectiveness through the use of all available resources within the linguistic repertoire shared by the group. Within this framework, particular attention is paid to the spaces and roles assumed by Russian, a code known as LM or as LS to all speakers of the experimental group and this despite - as we propose to point out - reserved for much more delimited and restricted conversational functions, circumstances and roles than those of the other available languages.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.