This paper is aimed at analysing Advocate General Tanchev Opinion in case C-619/18 Commission / Poland (Indépendance de la Cour Suprême). The case arises from an infringement procedure triggered by the European Commission against Poland. According to the Commission, the recently passed reform which lowers the retirement age of judges of the Supreme Court amounts to a violation of EU law. More specifically, such a reform would be in contrast with Article 19, paragraph 1, TEU and Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, which establish the requirements that shall be met in order to comply with the right to an effective judicial protection. A first introductory section is meant to clarify the most important legal issues raised by the present case and some aspects of the rule of law crisis in Poland and Hungary. Subsequently, this contribution examines two relevant previous judgments of the Court of Justice, namely Commission / Hungary, regarding the compulsory retirement of Hungarian judges, and Associação Sindical dos Juízes Portugueses. These two cases are analysed with a focus on the criteria to be adopted in evaluating the respect, in a certain legal order, of the requirement of judicial independence. Afterward, this contribution examines the ECJ order delivered in the Commission / Poland case for the purpose of applying provisional measures. The following section deals with the AG Opinion, with the aim of providing some critical insights focused on a possible solution that the Court might adopt in the actual case and in similar cases. Some concluding remarks follow.
Il presente scritto si focalizza sull’analisi delle conclusioni dell’Avvocato Generale Tanchev nella causa C-619/18 Commissione / Polonia (Indépendance de la Cour Suprême). Il caso ha origine da una procedura di infrazione avviata nei confronti della Polonia da parte della Commissione europea, la quale sostiene che l’abbassamento dell’età di pensionamento dei magistrati di Cassazione, recentemente introdotto in Polonia, risulterebbe in contrasto con il diritto dell’Unione europea e, in particolare, con l’esigenza di garantire una tutela giurisdizionale effettiva ai sensi degli articoli 19, paragrafo 1, TUE e 47 della Carta dei diritti fondamentali. Dopo una prima sezione introduttiva finalizzata a chiarire le principali problematiche giuridiche connesse alla questione trattata e alcuni aspetti della crisi dello Stato di diritto in atto in Polonia e in Ungheria, l’articolo si concentra su due precedenti rilevanti: Commissione / Ungheria, relativa parimenti all’abbassamento dell’età di pensionamento dei magistrati, e Associação Sindical dos Juízes Portugueses. Le due sentenze in esame vengono affrontate con particolare riferimento ai criteri da adottare nella valutazione del rispetto, da parte di un determinato ordinamento giuridico, dei requisiti dell’indipendenza del potere giudiziario. Successivamente si analizza l’ordinanza resa dalla Corte di giustizia nella causa in oggetto ai fini dell’applicazione di provvedimenti provvisori. Vengono poi illustrate le conclusioni dell’Avvocato Generale al fine di fornire un’analisi critica delle stesse, finalizzata a individuare la possibile soluzione che adotterà la Corte nel caso in esame e in controversie simili. Seguono alcune valutazioni conclusive.
Le conclusioni dell'Avvocato Generale Tanchev in Commissione / Polonia: preludio di una vittoria della Commissione europea nell'ambito della crisi dello Stato di diritto?
Rosano' A;
This paper is aimed at analysing Advocate General Tanchev Opinion in case C-619/18 Commission / Poland (Indépendance de la Cour Suprême). The case arises from an infringement procedure triggered by the European Commission against Poland. According to the Commission, the recently passed reform which lowers the retirement age of judges of the Supreme Court amounts to a violation of EU law. More specifically, such a reform would be in contrast with Article 19, paragraph 1, TEU and Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, which establish the requirements that shall be met in order to comply with the right to an effective judicial protection. A first introductory section is meant to clarify the most important legal issues raised by the present case and some aspects of the rule of law crisis in Poland and Hungary. Subsequently, this contribution examines two relevant previous judgments of the Court of Justice, namely Commission / Hungary, regarding the compulsory retirement of Hungarian judges, and Associação Sindical dos Juízes Portugueses. These two cases are analysed with a focus on the criteria to be adopted in evaluating the respect, in a certain legal order, of the requirement of judicial independence. Afterward, this contribution examines the ECJ order delivered in the Commission / Poland case for the purpose of applying provisional measures. The following section deals with the AG Opinion, with the aim of providing some critical insights focused on a possible solution that the Court might adopt in the actual case and in similar cases. Some concluding remarks follow.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.