This paper analyzes a famous animated film that stages a thousand-year legend. This film implicitly contains clear cultural imprints and interpretations of differences, recalls the themes, behavioral and diffused defensive reactions, prone to pietism or emphasis on gender roles that are sclerotic and, in fact, discriminating, posing interesting questions. It is about grasping and high- lighting the numerous clues spread throughout the narration that open up many spaces for debate, reflection and study, also with the aim of hypothesizing pedagogical traces on which to engage creative actions with children engaged in active processes of cultural transformation, educational and aesthetic. These actions are expressed in the free manipulation of symbolic objects, archetypes, narratives consolidated over time and in history.
Il contributo analizza un celebre film di animazione che mette in scena una leggenda millenaria. Tale film contiene, implicitamente, nitide impronte culturali e chiavi di lettura delle differenze, richiama modelli, stili comportamentali e reazioni difensive diffuse, inclini al pietismo o all’enfasi su ruoli di genere sclerotizzati e, di fatto, discriminanti, ponendo interessanti interrogativi. Si tratta di cogliere e va- lorizzare i numerosi indizi sparsi lungo la narrazione, che aprono altrettanti spazi di dibattito, di riflessione e di studio anche allo scopo di ipotizzare tracce peda- gogiche sulle quali innestare azioni creative con le bambine e i bambini ingaggiati in processi attivi di trasformazione culturale, educativa e financo estetica. Queste azioni si estrinsecano nella manipolazione libera di oggetti simbolici, archetipi, narrazioni consolidate nel tempo e nella storia.
Un film di animazione per l'infanzia: una lettura critica attorno alla cultura di genere e delle differenze
This paper analyzes a famous animated film that stages a thousand-year legend. This film implicitly contains clear cultural imprints and interpretations of differences, recalls the themes, behavioral and diffused defensive reactions, prone to pietism or emphasis on gender roles that are sclerotic and, in fact, discriminating, posing interesting questions. It is about grasping and high- lighting the numerous clues spread throughout the narration that open up many spaces for debate, reflection and study, also with the aim of hypothesizing pedagogical traces on which to engage creative actions with children engaged in active processes of cultural transformation, educational and aesthetic. These actions are expressed in the free manipulation of symbolic objects, archetypes, narratives consolidated over time and in history.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.